Do we understand the power of words and do we really understand the meaning of life? Are we “awakened” at night by an innate calling- next time you do - go outside for a few moments and look up at the sky and say thank you for awakening my soul and heart to see like an eagle and understand like a hawk: awake and aware and know who you are is in tune and aligned with your own unique talents: seek those talents - there are inside of you to give to the world that is ready to receive them once you are open to accept the greater understanding of your own uniquely innovative talents.

Notes: Blog March 14th on my website – taking a break from my studies: aquiline - a. relating to eagle; hooked like eagle’s beak.  

I am the water of life: is synonymous to:  I am the consciousness of Life.

Love Always Abundant Aloha hugs and kisses to all sentient beings, PETER SAMMARCO